I heard it snowed…

Feb 2 2011 in Blog by Tim Adkins (admin)

With all the hype and hoopla behind, pick one: SNOMG, Snomageddon, Snowpocalypse, and my

Oh hello snow, I'll go back inside now.

favorite SnowGate2011  <— Conspiracy Theory, it finally came. We didn’t get quite the amount we were supposed to, but we did get hit pretty hard. Many of the lucky ones got a day off work or school and I’ve seen several posts on Facebook and Twitter from locals exclaiming snowball fights and sledding, but I’ll be honest…I’m pretty content staying indoors all day! Problem is, I’m getting a little bored and while as riveting and suspenseful it can be , I can’t take another episode of A Baby’s Story.

So, I’ll ask what others have with a twist. What’s your favorite thing to do inside on a snow day? Monopoly, Connect 4, Life?? If it’s watching a good movie, recommend one.
Let me know so I can kill some time before the EMU basketball game tonight at 7pm. Thanks!

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