
Phoenix is back almost four years since their smash 2009 album, “Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix,” and the result is sure to please fans of this endearing French foursome. In many ways, “Bankrupt” is more of the same things we loved about Phoenix’s previous release – just with an added twist here and there to keep things fresh – punctuated with almost epic and/or danceably catchy tracks that remain true to the sound the band has developed thus far.

Although there are no game changing moves here and it’s not likely that this album will make a lasting impact on the world of music as we know it, it’s a welcome addition just the same. “Bankrupt” maintains the fast pitched flurry of upbeat sounds we’ve grown accustomed to in the band’s music paired with lyrics that walk a fine line between nonsensical and profoundly insightful. And while several tracks seem to be a commentary of sorts on the gilded life, it seems that Phoenix isn’t looking to give up their time in the spotlight any time soon.

About the Author

Amanda Slater
Amanda Slater
Amanda is the Editor in Chief of iSPY Magazine.